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الصفحة الرئيسية

GOLDEN TEA REVIEW PAYS FOR INVESTMENT? What is the work system? fraud detector

What is the Golden-Tea website?

It is a Russian investment site that supports many countries. And it has more similar domains that you can enter and work on from them, and they are: GOLDEN-TEA.COM , GOLDEN-TEA.ME, GOLDEN-TEA.CC If you move between them, know that they are all the same. Regardless, you may be looking for a review of the site, but we will provide you with other details about this site.

Golden-Tea is a game site that you can collect money from and works on an investment system to earn money from the site. I think you have enough idea about this site and how to work on it. But some things may be scary and confusing a little. Will I earn my money from the site?

Buying tea trees?

It works on the system of buying tea trees and earning from them. First you have to buy trees to make money from them because without them there is no money.
The higher the trees you buy, the more you will earn, but this depends on investing in the site and you must invest to earn more coins from within the site.

Collecting papers and selling them?

You have to collect leaves from trees, and it is also nice that you can collect papers while you are outside the site. The collection will be completed without also registering on the site, so this is a great job on the site to earn and very easy for the novice.

Register on the site?

When you register on the site, the site offers you the gift of registration and it is worth 10,000 points so that you can buy the tree to start working on the site. You might be thinking that's a lot and you can have trees however. This is so little that you can buy a tree very cheaply.

Invite friends?

The Golden-Tea site depends on inviting friends and the site offers 5 levels from where you can earn money from all levels, the higher the level, the more profit you have.

If you want to earn more, you should invite friends to earn more money, but this is the trap of people until you pour money from the site. They invest and you pour. This is a very wrong way because the site system depends on this method, which you may be very happy, but if I advise the method because I worked on it and I was earning from those who were invited from the invitation link, and this means all your profits from your friends, they pay and you take from their money a percentage payment.

Can you make money from Golden-Tea?

This depends on your effort on the site. If you want to sell your conscience in order to make people fall into the trap to pay money on the site and earn for it the Russian sites that operate in the same system is that you pay 100% and take 30% so here you fell into the trap and everyone who registered on the site fell into the trap. The profit is only for the owners of the invite links, and the individual person cannot earn from the site. Reason? The second reason is that if the user pays on the site, he will lose his money and cannot get it back. The second reason is that if he invests in the site, his loss will be great. If you enter 5,000 rubles, you will only be able to take 30% of it, but then the site will demand more investment so that you can win here the real trap.

positives and negatives

Registration is free
Simple game and easy tasks

He works only with investment to earn from you
There are thousands of users who did not get their money
Many accounts have been closed due to privacy violations
The profit system is complicated but its system is bad
There are things that have not been translated in English, which means there is doubt about it

The final result?

The site is included in the list of fraud, even if it pays you because the site pays from the referral system. If you invest in the site, you will not get your profits, but you will get only 30% of the money you invested, and this is considered a lot of doubts because the site works on a system that is not clear to users, so we do not recommend working on it And do not be deceived by the words of the YouTuber, because they earn from the referral system, they are the ones who earn from the site, not you. Be wary of working on the site because you will fall into the trap and will not be able to earn money from the sites. The one who tells you that I won from the site, and this in the end will be victorious over you and gain from you, and you fell into the trap of fraudsters.

Result: The site is classified as fraudulent, Ponzi and fraudulent investment

Fraud detector

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